Hycer Pte Ltd was incorporated in June 2000. With an established company Samcon Electronics Pte Ltd as its parent company, Hycer began its journey in the design and manufacturing of customized ceramic microcircuits hybrids. After much scouting around the sunny island of Singapore, Hycer set its manufacturing roots at 1 Kaki Bukit Road 1 #02-19 Enterprise One, Singapore 415934.
Knowing the demand of the market, Hycer was readily and always contactable at 63830328, by fax at 63833928 or by email at mail@hycer.com.
Hycer was proud on multiple fronts. Their Design and Engineering sector was always a head turner with their CAD System for hybrid design and layout. The team is always committed to work closely with customers from the early stages of the product design to mass production. With a 2,800 square feet of manufacturing and engineering facilities as back up, including class 10K clean room controlled environments for high precision thick film screen printing and manufacturing operations, Hycer is definitely here to stay.


What sets Hycer apart from the others is our Commitment to Quality. Being an ISO 9001:2000 certified company has its fair share of perks and quality always has a name for itself. At Hycer, we are fully committed to total quality excellence. Our mission is to be a world-class producer of quality hybrid circuit and PCBA. We will accomplish this through cultivating strong corporate culture in continuous quality improvement.